Baby Research Tips for: Why DOGS Naturally Protect Toddlers Thrive?

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A new study suggests that toddler growing up with a dog may provide protection against Crohn’s disease, a common inflammatory bowel disease.

The study found that exposure to dogs, particularly between the ages of 5 and 15, was associated with a healthier gut permeability and a balanced immune response, which may help protect against Crohn’s disease.

However, the study did not find the same protective effect with cats. Additionally, living with three or more family members in the first year of life was also associated with a favorable gut microbiome composition later in life, which could play a role in protecting against Crohn’s disease.

The researchers hope that these findings will help physicians identify individuals at higher risk for the disease and develop targeted prevention strategies.

Best Baby Tips: DOGS Naturally Protect Toddlers Thrive? #2024 #mom #tips

Digestive Disease Week. “Living with dogs (but not cats) as a toddler might protect against Crohn’s disease.” ScienceDaily.

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